Thursday, September 19, 2013

He's Distracting Me

Little Bit finds the dog's collar and leash, puts them on said dog by herself, and after a few minutes of holding on to the leash and dragging poor dog around, she sighs and says, "This dog is distracting me."
I didn't even know the word "distraction" was a part of her vocabulary!
(There is a sermon in this.  We create our own burdens and then place the "distraction" blame on it!) 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Today's Funnies

1. The Little Bit:  "What's the matter, Mama?"  Me:  "I'm having trouble backing up the mini-van in this tight squeeze."  Little Bit:  "Oh, I can drive, Mama, because I've learned how to drive the car-buggies at Kroger."

2.  The Little Bit:  "Mary (Jesus' mother) always kneels . . . that's why I'm kneeling to eat my cereal."

3.  LB:  "Band-aids don't really matter do they?  'Cause Band-aids don't heal bo-bos.  God heals our bo-bos--not band-aids."

4.  The Itty Bitty upon observing roofers (maybe first time she's noticed roofers??):  "They on the roof!!!  They on the roof, Mama!  They on the roof!"

5.  LB:  "When my brother gets here (he's still in the womb), I can wear my princess dresses, and he can be prince charming."

6.  LB to me:  "What does snooze mean?"  Me:  "It means "to sleep, take a little nap."  LB:  "Ooooh.  I know . . . snooze means to sleep with a runny nose."

All in a day's memories.  Too much fun!