Friday, December 27, 2013

More Sound of Music comments

The Little Bit from her bed:  "Daddy, will you please bring me a sip of water? . . .  Daddy, would you sing How do we solve a problem like Mary M?"  (her name instead of "Maria" as the song goes)

Friday, December 20, 2013

The Sound of Music

Itty Bitty singing "Favorite Things" from The Sound of Music:  "When the dog stings, when the bee bites . . . and then I don't feeeeeeeeel  soooooooooooooo much!"

Angel Wings

Little Bit:  "What do angels do with their wings when they sleep?  Do they fold them up or take them off?"

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Reindeer Games

Last night Little Bit was wearing her sateen red Christmas nightgown and wanted to sing Christmas songs.  Pressing November, I’m ready for Christmas songs – not decorations – but music, yes!  So, of course, Haydn and I obliged and sang and sang.  She suggested “the reindeer one.”  We sang it twice with intermittent discussions about the words and all of the reindeer's names.  Little Bit said, “That is a really sad song.”  Long pause.  “Those other reindeer were mean.  They wouldn't let him play with them.  That is not nice.  I don’t like that.”  Thus a discussion ensued about the story.  Then, this from the 4-year-old’s analytical mind:
Little Bit:  “Now, what do reindeer look like?”
Dad:  “Sort of like our deer but bigger and with big antlers on their heads”
Little Bit:  “Where do they live?”
Me:  “Way up North.  We’re in the South . . . so not around here”
LB:  “Do they have wings?”
Dad:  “No.”
LB:  “Then how can they really fly?  Birds have to have wings to fly.  How can they pull a sleigh?”
Us:  “Ok.  You’re right.  Real reindeer can't fly.  But you can’t tell your friends this stuff.”

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Itty Bitty to Daddy:  "Where's my lipstick?"
Daddy:  "You're too young for lipstick."
IB:  "Well, I'm 2!"

5 minutes later:
Daddy:  "Quit putting so much lipstick on your lips."
IB:  "Well, that's how God made me."

Thursday, September 19, 2013

He's Distracting Me

Little Bit finds the dog's collar and leash, puts them on said dog by herself, and after a few minutes of holding on to the leash and dragging poor dog around, she sighs and says, "This dog is distracting me."
I didn't even know the word "distraction" was a part of her vocabulary!
(There is a sermon in this.  We create our own burdens and then place the "distraction" blame on it!) 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Today's Funnies

1. The Little Bit:  "What's the matter, Mama?"  Me:  "I'm having trouble backing up the mini-van in this tight squeeze."  Little Bit:  "Oh, I can drive, Mama, because I've learned how to drive the car-buggies at Kroger."

2.  The Little Bit:  "Mary (Jesus' mother) always kneels . . . that's why I'm kneeling to eat my cereal."

3.  LB:  "Band-aids don't really matter do they?  'Cause Band-aids don't heal bo-bos.  God heals our bo-bos--not band-aids."

4.  The Itty Bitty upon observing roofers (maybe first time she's noticed roofers??):  "They on the roof!!!  They on the roof, Mama!  They on the roof!"

5.  LB:  "When my brother gets here (he's still in the womb), I can wear my princess dresses, and he can be prince charming."

6.  LB to me:  "What does snooze mean?"  Me:  "It means "to sleep, take a little nap."  LB:  "Ooooh.  I know . . . snooze means to sleep with a runny nose."

All in a day's memories.  Too much fun!